Weekly during the 10AM Mass, starting January 28th
God’s Word will come alive in Mass for kids in Grades K-5 with the return of the Children’s Liturgy of the Word! In this program, kids will be dismissed to hear the same Bible stories adults are hearing, and will experience an interactive message designed just for them. They will return before the Liturgy of the Eucharist and won’t miss a beat!
Do you love kids? Love your faith? Enjoy being in front of a crowd or behind the scenes? Volunteers are needed to ensure safety and bring the fun! Middle schoolers, high schoolers, and adults are all encouraged to join the ministry team.
Contact: Lisa Scata ([email protected]). Please use email subject “Children’s Liturgy of the Word.”
Volunteer Roles/Time commitment
* Volunteers can serve weekly or on a rotating basis, depending on preference.
* All materials & curriculum will be provided & nobody will serve alone.
* Leaders (Facilitate the program): 30 min/week during Mass & occasional planning meetings. Crowd ministers (Safety/crowd control): 30 min/week during Mass
* reative Tech Ministers (Creative elements during the program): 30 min/wk during Mass & occasional prep at home.