Parish Ministries
We invite you to join with us in one or more of these parish ministries to help make St. John the Evangelist truly the Living Body of Christ.
We are called to do ministry in all kinds of different ways so that the Gospel can be proclaimed, the kingdom can be built, and God can be glorified.

Through our worship ministries, we create worship experiences that glorify God and inspire us. Our worship ministries work together to present memorable and engaging liturgies. Read more »
- Linen Ministry
- Liturgy Committee
- Liturgical Ministers
- Liturgical Tech Support Team
- Music Ministry
Faith must be known, celebrated, lived and expressed in prayer. Faith formation refers to the transmission of Jesus’ moral teachings as well as their implications for Christian living. Faith formation prepares us to live in community and participate actively in the life and mission of the church. The ministries in this section promote knowledge of our faith through education, opportunities for prayer, and sacramental preparation. Read more »
- Book Club
- Children’s Liturgy of the Word
- Reading Scripture Together
- Religious Education (grades K-6)
- Small Church Communities
- Women’s Faith Sharing Group
- Youth and Young Adults
- Mother of the Eucharist and Grace – 1st Saturday Prayers
- Precious Blood Prayer Group
- Baptism Preparation Class
- Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA)
Our Hispanic Ministries provide Spanish-speaking parishioners with the opportunity to live the Catholic faith in their own language and cultural traditions. Sacraments, religious education, pastoral counseling, and other pastoral needs are offered in Spanish. Read more »
- Hispanic Committee
- Faith Formation Ministry
- Walking Together With Jesus Prayer Group
- Bereavement (Grupo Esperanza)
- Hispanic Community Representative
- San Andrés Evangelization
- Boy Scouts of America Cub Pack 2010, Troop 2010, and Venture Crew 2010
- Legion of Mary, Maria Reina de la Familia Praesidium
- Eucharistic Ministry
- Lectors
- Music Ministry
- Ushers
- Altar Servers
Every Christian and church are called to help others in need. Examples include serving the poor, homeless, sick, and imprisoned. Outreach ministries provide opportunities for us to mobilize and inspire our capacity to serve. Parishes support and celebrate outreach ministries in many different ways. This section describes how we minister to those in need at St. John’s and beyond. Read more »
- Afghan Family Support
- Beechfield Elementary-Middle School
- Creating Friendships for Peace, Inc.
- Diversity and Inclusion Ministry
- Elizabeth House Soup Kitchen
- Embracing Global Solidarity
- Food Bank
- Gift of Peace Ministry
- Give it a Second Life Collection
- Green Team
- Lay Volunteer Service Corps
- Marriage Encounter
- Mental Health Ministry
- Our Daily Bread Casserole Project
- Parish Nurse Ministry
- Prison Healing Community
- Racial Justice Committee
- Resurrection Ministry
- Senior Alliance Committee
- Sister Parish Partnership with St. Bernardine’s Parish
- Social Justice Ministry Committee
- Spring Grove Hospital Center Visitation
- Visitation Ministries
The publication, Creative Tension (2017, edited by Carolyn Arena and Elizabeth Martin) tells the story of interfaith life in Columbia and the examines the rich interactions of the various faiths that came together in the new city of Columbia, Maryland. The mission-oriented interfaith experiences, which in the early 1970s, were groundbreaking, are still very much a part of our community. Read more »
- Columbia Pregnancy Center
- Home Repair Ministry (Appalachia Service Project and Howard County)
- Interfaith Hospitality Center
- Wilde Lake Interfaith Library
A parish is an organization that needs to be managed with respect to various functions such as finance, legal accountability, personnel, and record-keeping. Administration ministries are committees and other bodies that work in support of the management of the parish. Read more »
- Communications Team
- Finance Committee
- Parish Corporators
- Parish Written History Project
- Pastoral Council
- Safety/Security Team
- Wilde Lake and Oakland Mills Interfaith Centers’ Boards of Directors
Catholic lay organizations and organizations chartered by Catholic churches serve the church and provide direct services to our community. Read more »
- Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Scouts USA Troop 649
- Knights of Columbus Columbia Council 7559
- Ladies of Mary Auxiliary
- Ladies Ancient Order of Hibernians (LOAH)
- Legion of Mary
- Society of St. Vincent de Paul – St. John’s Conference
Please note: The Archdiocese of Baltimore requires all parish volunteers to be VIRTUS certified. Please contact the parish office for details.