At St. John the Evangelist, our mission is to support parents who are the first educators of their children to continue the education of the Catholic Faith. We teach moral values so that they become followers of Jesus Christ for a model of their life. Children from Kindergarten to sixth grade will also experience and demonstrate faith through prayer and the sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
We are excited to introduce our new Family Faith Formation Program called “Followers of Jesus” this 2024-2025 school year. Together, we will enter on an incredible journey where we will encounter a relationship with Jesus and grow deeper in faith. We will have three sessions every month. Parents as a catechist will do a Family Faith Project at home with their child the Saturday that we do not meet.
The Family Program will also be offered for families unable to attend classes on Saturdays.
For any questions about Religious Education or Sacramental Preparation for children, contact the Director of Religious Education: Mrs. Consuelo Petro at 410-964-1425 x319 or [email protected].
St. John the Evangelist has several ways for your child to receive regular Religious Education. Hopefully one will suit your family’s needs and your children’s learning style. We also have Sacramental Preparation Programs. See below for more information:
- Registration Form to Register Online or contact Cynthia Herrera [email protected] or 410-964-1425 x313 (REGISTRATION ENDS AUGUST 30TH). Classes begin on Saturday, September 21, 2024 From 9:00 am to 10:15 am at Wilde Lake Interfaith Center.
- Saturday Morning Program (K-6th grade)
- Children with Special Needs
- Family Program (K-6th grade)
- Preparation for First Eucharist (Communion)
- Preparation for First Reconciliation (Confession)
- Other Sacramental Preparation
- Extracurricular Activities
- Volunteers
PLEASE NOTE: Tuition is due at the time of registration in order to make certain that there will be room for your child.
- You can pay online
- Or you can mail your check (made out to St. John the Evangelist Church) or come into the parish office during business hours (Monday through Friday from 9 to 5)
No one will be refused classes due to financial difficulties. If you need confidential assistance, contact Consuelo Petro at 410-964-1425 x319 [email protected]
Saturday Morning Program (K-6th grade)
The Saturday Morning Program is a three weeks sessions program held at Wilde Lake Interfaith Center and taught by volunteer teachers in a group-type setting.
Our Mission
To reach children from kindergarten through sixth grade by proclaiming Christ’s message. We accomplish our ministry in partnership with the parents who are the primary catechists. Together we will proclaim Christ’s message, help develop a Christian community, lead the students in prayer and worship and motivate them to Christian service.
This is the largest of the religious education programs offered at St. John’s Religious Education Ministry, and it is growing. Our Catechists are St. John’s parishioners. Beginning in mid-September, there are 20 weeks of sessions. Instead of following a grade-level curriculum, we will provide opportunities for students to learn how to build a relationship with Christ guided by each Sunday Gospel. It initiates children into the community of faith and challenges them to discipleship as part of their formative journey. By parents attending sessions with their children they will enrich in their spiritual growth to continue following the path of Jesus.
- The English session on Saturdays is offered from: 9:00-10:15 am. The Spanish session on Saturdays is offered from 10:30 – 11:45 am.
- Parents are integral to the program and are expected to only attend the first session of each month with their child.
2024-2025 Dates:
All classes begin Saturday, September 21 and continue as follows:
- Sept. 21, 28
- Oct. 5, 19, 26; No classes October 12 Family Faith project
- Nov. 2, 9, 16; No classes November 30 (Thanksgiving Holiday)
- Dec. 7, 14; No classes December 21 through December 28 (Winter Break)
- Jan. 4, 11, 25; No class January 18 (Martin Luther King)
- Feb. 1, 8, 22; No class February 15 (President’s Day)
- Mar. 1, 8, 15
- April. 5: (April 5, is the Last day of Class)
Family Faith Project will be a faith-based activity that benefits the family and the community. With this project, families will demonstrate cooperation, generosity, and compassion in their homes, church, and community. Some examples are: pray the Holy Rosary, visit the sick, volunteer at a food bank, Bible Scavenger Hunt, visit the National Shire Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes, participate in church activities, Bible Study, watch a faith-based movie.
Children with Special Needs
St. John’s Religious Education Program welcomes all children into our program, including children with disabilities. We offer a variety of options for families with members with special needs. If you are interested in participating, please call the Director of Religious Education (410-964-1425 x319).
In addition, we are looking for volunteers to work with kids with disabilities in its programs. No experience is necessary; only an open mind and willingness to learn. Please call the Director of Religious Education (410-964-1425 x319), if you can help.
Family Program (grades K-6th grade)
Parents teach at home with a parent guide which is easy to follow. Chapter reviews are turned in via email. Families must come to activities on certain weeknights throughout the year. Family Life material is incorporated into the curriculum. Families then come together for activities on certain Tuesdays evenings from 6:00 – 7:30 pm at Wilde Lake Interfaith Center. These meetings are designed to provide and understanding in the children that they are part of a much larger community of believers, the Church, and to give opportunities for social ministry, to show their love for others.
Many families choose it because it gives them an opportunity to talk with their children about things that matter. Also, parents have the opportunity to interact with other families and their children to share ideas and knowledge about God’s faith.
For more information or questions, contact Consuelo Petro, [email protected] or 410-964-1425 x319
- October 15, 2024
- January 14, 2025
- March 11, 2025 (last session)
Preparation for First Eucharist (Communion)
If your child is approaching 1st grade and you are thinking about First Communion, or if your son or daughter is in 1st – 6th grade and wants to prepare for their First Communion, contact Consuelo Petro, [email protected] or 410-964-1425 x319. There is a process for each child depending on their age and prior preparation. We look forward to talking with you about your child.
In addition to Immediate Preparation Meetings (see below), children should be enrolled in some form of regular Religious Education (e.g., the Saturday Morning Program or the Family Program either here at St. John’s or at another parish, or attend a Catholic school) both the year they receive the sacrament and the year before.
There are two preparation meetings for parent and child
English Reconciliation preparation meeting will be at WLIFC on Tuesday, January 21st, 2025, at 6:00 pm in room 4.
English Eucharist preparation meeting will be at WLIFC on Tuesday, February 11th, 2025, at 6:00 pm in room 1.
Spanish Reconciliation preparation meeting will be at WLIFC on Tuesday, February 4th, 2025, in room 4.
Spanish Eucharist preparation meeting will be at WLIFC on Monday, February 25, 2025, in room 1.
First Eucharist Ceremonies
English First Eucharist ceremony will be at WLIFC on Saturday, May 3rd at 9:30 am in room 1. Spanish First Eucharist ceremony will be at WLIFC on Saturday, May 3rd at 1:00 pm in room 1.
- First Communion Song – Our God is Here: You can access the video and practice by going to
Contact: Consuelo Petro, [email protected] or 410-964-1425 x319
Preparation for First Reconciliation (Confession)
Children should be at least in 2nd grade religious education. In addition to these Immediate Preparation Meetings, children should also be enrolled in some form of regular Faith Formation (e.g., the Saturday Morning Program, the Family Program either here at St. John’s or at another parish, or attend a Catholic school). After 2 years of preparation, students will receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation .
Reconciliation sacrament: 4/8/2025
If you have questions, please contact Consuelo Petro, [email protected] or 410-964-1425 x319
Other Sacramental Preparation
BAPTISM: The Rite of Christian Initiation (OCIA adapted for Children) is a process for welcoming children of catechetical age (seven years or older) into the Catholic Church. For more information, call Consuelo Petro (410-964-1425 x319) or [email protected]. Children younger than seven may be baptized by calling Jan Shaw at 410-964-1425 x312 or [email protected].
CONFIRMATION: For teens seeking confirmation, please contact Pablo Maldonado, our Youth Minister, [email protected] or 410-964-1425 x318. For adults seeking confirmation, please contact Deacon Paul Gifford at [email protected].
Extracurricular Activities
From time to time, we also do extracurricular activities such as the Children’s Stations of the Cross and Christmas Eve Children’s Liturgy and drama. We are supporting the Tanzania Children’s Project through Knights of Columbus by raising money to build a water well for families in need.
For future activities, we are planning to participate at the Pancake Supper providing children with Easter theme activities. We will support the SMILE PROJECT at Spring Grove Hospital in Catonsville where children donated hygiene items and school supplies to assist people in need. Lastly, we held a Christmas Party for all the students where they participated in singing, drama, and activities in their classrooms.
We are always looking for volunteers to share their faith with children in our religious education programs. Whether you are a parent, a grandparent, or a teen we can use your help. No experience is necessary; only a willingness to share your faith and a love of children. Our teacher manuals have pre-planned and engaging lessons. Our kids are terrific and you will be making sure that the next generation will grow up Catholic. Please call Consuelo Petro (410-964-1425 x319) if you can help.
Please note: The Archdiocese of Baltimore requires all parish volunteers to be VIRTUS certified. Please contact the parish office for details.