We are delighted that you are considering registering to be a parishioner of St. John the Evangelist. God never wants us to make our way to the kingdom alone and in isolation. We invite you to join our parish family!
Being a welcoming community is a very important part of the mission of our parish. We invite and welcome guests, newcomers, and one another as we gather to worship and carry out our baptismal call as disciples.
You can register online, or print the registration form & return it to the parish office. If you would like to register with someone in person please call the parish office at 410-964-1425.
Some reasons to register in the parish
Often people attend Mass at a parish for months or sometimes years, but never officially register. Registering at St. John the Evangelist is the expression of your commitment to being part of our parish community.
Registration enables the parish pastor and staff to get to know you better, and helps them be able to communicate with you by sending you mailings. After you register, please notify the parish office of any changes in address or phone number.
Being a registered parishioner also makes the process much simpler when it is time for receiving sacraments, registering for faith formation (religious education), sponsoring a sacrament recipient, and even planning funerals.
Your registration also affects a parish in many ways. Census numbers may determine how many priests are assigned to a parish, what benefits and obligations the community has to the diocese, and how many Masses and programs are planned and scheduled.