Our parishioners and staff share video reflections on parish life, and short testimonies meant to inspire and encourage us.
Watch the videos below to hear what St. John parishioners have to say about life in our church. These test-i-minis are very short (mini!) testimonies of their experiences at St. John the Evangelist.
My conversion to Catholicism
Una breve reflexión sobre por qué pertencemos – #testimini
Here you will find love
Una breve reflexión sobre por qué pertencemos – #testimini
I move forward thanks to the grace of God
Una breve reflexión sobre por qué pertencemos – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
A brief sharing of why we belong – #testimini
Pastor’s Video Messages
Fr. Gerry shares his thoughts about important events and themes.
Father Bowen reminds us of the harm that we can do to one another when we forget that we are all created in the image of God
Greetings from Father Bowen for a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
Father Bowen relays Advent greetings from our Pastoral Council and outlines an upcoming initiative of the parish.
Father Bowen addresses seeking happiness and joy during this season of Advent.
Father Bowen addresses “Holy Impatience” during the season of Advent and amidst the seasons of injustice in our world today.
A message of hope, and the Light of Christ that darkness cannot overcome
Spring signs of hope, and invitation to online streaming of Masses
Announcement of suspension of Masses, and call to support each other