Assisting Family from Afghanistan

St. John the Evangelist is assisting an Afghan refugee family

St. John the Evangelist is assisting an Afghan refugee family that has recently moved to our area.

The family left Afghanistan in the last week of August 2021 and was flown to Germany for 4 days, and then were flown to Fort Pickett in Virginia where they stayed for 1 ½ months.  

In Afghanistan, the father worked for the US as an electrical engineer. His wife was formerly a high school teacher (biology and chemistry) and principal. They have 5 children: four girls (age 10, 8, 7, and 4) and one boy (age 6 months).

Family Updates (February 18, 2023)

It’s been a little over a year since the family moved to their apartment in Ellicott City and they are doing well:

  • The four older children are excelling in school. In addition to their regular school, they also attend services and Arabic classes at Dal Al-Taqwa Mosque. Seeing how other conservative Muslim families navigate their way through our western ways and traditions without fear of compromising their religious and cultural heritage is very comforting.
  • The youngest child is now 20 months old and toddling all over the place.
  • The mother is busy taking care of the family and teaching the school-age children the Dari and Pashto languages. In addition, she is also taking classes that we hope will lead to a medical coding certificate.
  • The father has become a gig worker, driving for Amazon and DoorDash.

Thank you to all of you who have helped the family with donations, driving etc. You have truly enriched their lives.

Family Updates (September 28, 2022)

Here’s an update and another call on your generosity for the Afghan refugee family with five children that St. John the Evangelist has supported this past year:

  • The children (four of them, all but the baby) are really happy to be back at school. They are making friends and their English is improving by leaps and bounds.
  • The mom is also doing well. She enrolled in a three-month internship program where she is learning about software development. She already has some Microsoft certifications. She also tested for English as a second language. She tested at the Advanced level and is taking ESOL two evenings/week.
  • Unfortunately, there is no good news to report about the father. Although he is continuing to apply for jobs, he has not yet gotten an offer so the family is struggling financially. He is driving for Door Dash but that is not enough to support a family.

If you can help, please donate online under the category “Afghan family resettlement”. Thank you for being such a generous and supportive parish family!

Family Updates (August 18, 2022)

Here’s an update and another call on your generosity for the Afghan refugee family with five children that St. John the Evangelist has supported this past year:

  • Their baby just turned one, while the four girls are flourishing at school and are looking forward to the start of the fall semester.
  • In the meantime, the mother received a donated sewing machine and is busy making them beautiful, long-sleeved tunics and matching slacks!
  • On the downside, the father, who was working under a 90-day contract, was let go on July 15 when additional follow-on work that the company was anticipating did not materialize. He has been applying for other electrical engineering jobs since May, but so far he has received no firm offers. If you know of companies in need of electrical engineers, please contact Marc D’Arcangelis who has been assisting him in his job search.
  • The family is aware of or in treatment for most of their medical issues. However, the children and mother have serious dental issues. Unfortunately, Medicaid will cover only a fraction of their upcoming dental expenses.

At this point, the family is again struggling to pay their bills and deeply concerned about upcoming dental expenses. If you can help, please donate online under the category “Afghan family resettlement”. Thank you for being such a generous and supportive parish family!

Family Updates (May 8, 2022)

Good news about our family from Afghanistan! The father started a job as an electrical engineer! The family is on their way to independence. Thank you to all who have donated and helped in so many ways.

But the need is still so great. We hope to be able to help another family in the future. Please stay tuned for an upcoming pledge campaign meant to support refugee families.

One request: please do NOT donate unsolicited items! We will let you know when specific items are requested.

Family Updates (March 31, 2022)

Our Afghan family continue to adapt and progress in their new country. With your assistance and support, they have a working household. And despite the language barrier, the family’s four daughters are thriving in school. The family’s immediate concern is financial. They have run through the “Welcome Money” they received from the government, but their desire is to become self-supporting. The father has applied for about a dozen jobs, had his first interview, and is scheduled for a follow-up interview this week. You can help! Keep them in your prayers and stay tuned for our upcoming pledge campaign!

Family Updates (February 24, 2022)

The children are all in school now, except the baby. The family has been introduced to the public library. Next on the docket is getting driver’s licenses and jobs. Getting a driver’s license is now in the works, but the family is in need of a car. If you would be willing to donate one, please contact Kathy Gross at Thank you to all for your continued generosity!

Family Updates (February 2, 2022)

The family is very grateful for the help and support they are receiving from St. John’s. Their needs are now for help with other things. Please check out this signup genius list to see if you can assist:

Some people have asked about monetary donations. You can donate online, or write a check to St. John’s with “Afghan refugee resettlement” on the memo line.

Finally, work is ongoing with Luminus with the many other families being resettled. Once the system is worked out with the families in the extended stay hotels near BWI, they will expand to other areas, including Columbia. Stay tuned! Contact Kathy Gross ( if you would like to be updated regularly by email.

Family Updates (January 2, 2022)

The family recently moved into a two-bedroom apartment locally on January 2. They have no furniture, except a crib! We have two sign-up lists (see below) because we know what a generous and caring parish we are. One list is for smaller items including clothes. We respectfully request that you donate only new or gently used, clean items. 

Please contact Kathy Gross (804) 512-6263 to arrange for pick-up and delivery. Do NOT bring these items to St. John’s. Thanks in advance for your generosity.