SIGN-UP From your Smartphone: Text the message “SJERC” to the number 84576 and you will be guided through a series of steps to set up or modify your account.
SIGN-UP From your Computer:
1. Go to and click Login
2. Enter your email address
3. Enter your password, or click Reset or create password if you don’t yet have one.
4. Once logged in, click the purple “Notifications” bell icon to manage your preferences NOTE: In the Notifications window, a blue icon indicates that you’re opted in for that particular feature, while a grey icon indicates an opt-out.
5. To join a group, select it from the list on the left. Then you will see a green button in the upper right corner which says “Join this group”
6. Note that some groups are open and some require approval.
Flocknote Troubleshooting If you have not been receiving Resurrection Connections or if you have any other questions about connecting to Flocknote HERE is a webpage with some possible answers to your questions. Also, click HERE for instructions on: How do I add Flocknote to my email contact list?
Our Flocknote Archive contains the most recent e-newsletters sent to parishioners: Ask flocknote for help at