Food Donations Requested

Food Donations

The Wilde Lake Interfaith Center congregations (SJU and SJERC) are requesting food donations for Columbia Community Care (CCC) serving Columbia and Howard County. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic, CCC has been serving our community since March 2020.

Non-perishable food donations and personal care items can be left in the plastic totes provided outside the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center at any time.


Non-perishable food: Pasta, pasta sauce, *canned tomato products, *bread, *peanut butter, jelly, *canned meat, *canned/dried beans, *rice, *sugar, *flour, *maseca, *cooking oil, canned vegetables, granola bars, cereal, oatmeal, pancake mix, syrup. shelf-stable milk, macaroni and cheese, ramen noodles, water, coffee, tea, soup, condiments

Household items: *Paper towels, *toilet paper, laundry detergent (pods preferred), Lysol spray, Lysol wipes, dish soap, dishwater detergent (pods or tablets preferred)

Personal Care items: Tampons, *sanitary napkins, *toothpaste, toothbrushes, *shampoo, adult diapers, body lotion, bath soap, shaving cream, razors

Baby Items: *Diapers (all sizes), *baby wipes, baby formula, baby food, diaper rash ointment, baby lotion

Site Supplies: Quart, gallon or sandwich sized ziplock bags, masks, food service gloves, plastic produce bags


No expired items please!

We do not accept mediations of any kind

No clothing / books / toys / household goods / furnishings / small appliances

No egg cartons / paper grocery bags

The total number and selection of non-perishable items has exceeded all expectations, especially in areas such as canned goods. It is requested that donors consider the following items which are in high demand when making donations:

  • personal care items such as: toothpaste, shampoo, bars of bath soap, baby diapers, baby wipes
  • sanitary napkins (rather than tampons)
  • canned tomatoes, tomato sauce, tomato paste (rather than jars and cans of spaghetti sauce)
  • pasta, spaghetti (rather than macaroni and cheese products)
  • canned meats including tuna, chicken, corned beef, Spam, Vienna Sausages, canned salmon
  • sugar, flour, maseca, rice, cooking oil
  • household items such as paper towels and toilet paper

Thank you for your generosity!

For more information on Columbia Community Care, go to their Facebook page or website: