Join us for a meaningful morning of community, discussion, and learning as we talk about how to better foster a parish that is generationally vibrant!
Clare Bowen, a youth member of our pastoral council, will present and lead the seminar:
Saturday February 12, 9:00am-11:00am
Participate live with coffee at 8:30am and lunch at 11:00am, or participate via streaming from 9:00am-11:00am
A very large “Thank You” to Clare Bowen who lead our presentation on “Inviting the Next Generations to Parish Life” on Saturday morning. If you missed it, you can watch her Generational Diversity video at your own available time and pace below.
One response from an on-line participant indicated that they “thought it was wonderful. The point was well taken that there are generation differences in communication styles and relationships to church. We believe there is a real opportunity for a win-win situation by encouraging all to pursue a spiritual life.” If you share similar concerns, we invite you also to review our recent news and updates in pastoral planning.
Seminar Invitation
The Importance of Generational Diversity
Our Church has a PROBLEM. And, if you are honest, you might have even mumbled about it to yourself. Why might you have been mumbling? Because you love and care about this parish and we can probably agree upon a singular common need:
Problems, however, can also present themselves as opportunities. Let us determine to pursue the opportunity before us.
If we continue to be honest, we know that we need more folks from generations other than ours… younger, older, new to us, those wanting to help who have never been asked. And that might risk some change in activity, tone, and approach. Really good change, but change. And, yet, Pope Francis will be quick to remind us that “If everything continues as it was, if we spend our days content that ‘this is the way things have always been done,’ then the gift vanishes, smothered by the ashes of fear and concern for defending the status quo.”
May we strive to keep the many gifts in this parish fresh and vibrant. Please reserve Saturday morning, February 12 for a conversation. Please join us. It will be well worth the time and the talk. Everyone is listening. Come and listen. Come and be heard.