We invite you to consider the Church’s comments on recent acts of gun violence, as well as prayer and family responses.
June 2022 Tulsa hospital shooting
In light of the recent mass shooting in a Tulsa hospital, we invite you to consider the following:
- Revisit the links below regarding the Church’s comments on these acts of violence as well as prayer and family responses.
- As Catholic Christians, what are we prepared to do to change the conditions that have caused the continuing horrific loss of life to gun violence? Although Maryland has worked in recent years to strengthen its gun laws, the effects are undermined by the lax laws in other states. Please consider contacting your national representatives and senators directly if you wish them to take action. Learn more at sandyhookpromise.org
- There will be a March for our Lives 2022 in Washington, DC and Baltimore MD on June 11th. People march to let elected officials know that we deserve a nation free from gun violence. You can learn about some of their initiatives at this website.
May 2022 Texas elementary school shooting
We turn our prayers to the 21 victims of the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas.
- Archbishop Lori released a statement of his concern and call for prayers.
- Our Social Justice ministry replied by letter to this statement with suggestions for further action.
- The US Bishops have offered a statement.
- The Pope described himself as being “heartbroken” over the incident.
- Join the Sisters of Mercy as they pray to Let the Shooting End.
- Finally, here is a resource to assist you in talking with kids about difficult things in the news.