Synod 2021-2023

The biggest listening and discussion event the Church has ever undertaken is happening in the Archdiocese of Baltimore and across the globe. It is called Synod 2021-2023.

Accordingly, you are invited to participate, pray, reflect and share thoughts and ideas.

Crowd of happy people around Pope Francis embody the spirit of the synod

What is a Synod?

“Synod” is an ancient word whose meaning indicates the path along which the People of God walk together. It also refers to the fact that Christians, followers of Jesus, were originally called “followers of the way”.

The aim is to discern how we are “living the faith” and how, we as a Church, are achieving this together. Above all, the fundamental aspect of the process is to listen to what the Holy Spirit is saying and to answer one fundamental question:

A synodal Church, in announcing the Gospel, “journeys together”: How is this “journeying together” happening today in your local Church, and what steps is the Spirit inviting us to take in order to grow in our “journeying together”?

This activity is not a St. John-thing, or an Archdiocese of Baltimore-thing, or a US Catholic-thing. Rather, this listening session is happening world-wide, all leading to an October 2023 General Assembly of the Synod of Bishops in Rome — a synod on synods!

What does the process ask of us?

The Synod calls each member of the People of God to equally participate, and to take responsibility for listening and dialogue. In order to further the mission of the Church, it requires the participation of each member of the faithful.

Please come and participate! Invite someone who sits behind you at weekend Masses, or someone who no longer participates in Church. Invite a younger or older family member. The goal is to ensure the participation of the greatest number possible, in order to listen to the living voice of the entire People of God. In your invitation, share with them this:

Being synodal requires time for sharing; humility in listening must correspond to courage in speaking; dialogue leads us to newness, openness to conversion and change. Synods are a church community exercise in discernment; we are signs of a Church that listens and journeys. We must leave behind prejudices and stereotypes, overcome the scourge of clericalism, cure the virus of self-sufficiency, overcome ideologies, and give rise to hope. Synods are a time to dream and “spend time with the future.”

Please watch for more details forthcoming in our bulletin, e-bulletin, and website regarding the Synod process. May God send the Holy Spirit to enkindle all our conversations.

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