The individual flames in our new logo are a tangible representation of the diversity of our vibrant cultural and ethnic colors, our differences now joined in an amazing wine color, our unity as the body and blood of Christ.
Redstart Creative, LLC, a design firm in Towson, listened well to who we are and what we do as this one diverse community, and created the distinctive trademark that you see here. This amazing diversity of our faith community brings challenges to incorporating – but never eliminating – the wonderful cultures, races and traditions of each and every one of you who chose to share your gifts as part of this beautiful community you call Church.
St. John spoke to us this Pentecost weekend of how Jesus appeared in that darkened upper room on Easter night to his fearful disciples and said, “Peace be with you.” They were calmed and enflamed by the Spirit. We are all called every day to be calmed and enflamed by that same Spirit.
We are proud of this new symbol of our diverse identity, flames joined as the body and blood of Christ.
Logo Items

Several times a year, we will offer an opportunity to order Saint John the Evangelist logo-ed items.
Be proud to say you are a member of the St. John the Evangelist, Columbia family!