The music ministers of St. John the Evangelist work hard to provide meaningful and spirit-filled liturgies and events to parishioners.
Recognizing that the power of music is unequaled in its ability to connect (and build empathy) in humanity, help the Spirit reach our hearts and allow us to better connect with God, our music ministers strive to use energetic and beautiful music to celebrate the good in each other and comfort those in time of need.
Close coordination with the celebrants and staff ensures that music is carefully chosen to add to the understanding and celebration of the Word. Our music ministers consist of singers, instrumentalists, and volunteers who help with sound and other support functions. Our ministers can be heard at Mass, in our Christmas and Palm Sunday concerts, at senior living facilities, and at other events.
During the pandemic, this ministry found ways to add music to virtual gatherings with live performances, video and audio recordings, and a virtual choir.
Our English-speaking congregation primarily uses the Gather Comprehensive III hymnal. Some music groups also supplement this with selections from the new OCP Spirit and Song hymnal.
Contact: Nick McCagg, [email protected]
Thank you, Chris Youstra! Chris Youstra has led us in our joyful songs of faith for three decades. We have been blessed by his sharing his remarkable gifts with us. Chris celebrated his last Masses with us August 14, 2022, and we gathered to celebrate his service on October 23, 2022.
Music Groups
We have many exciting opportunities for talented and dedicated folks to join us including exciting concerts, optional pilgrimages and wonderful liturgies. Our youth are especially welcome to join. We are looking for:
- Singers (all types, especially tenors and basses and YOUTH)
- String Players
- Reed and Brass Players
- Pianists, guitarists, percussionists and bassists
Music Outreach
Volunteers from St. John’s music ministry have been visiting local Assisted Living facilities for many years. We currently visit Winter Growth & Ruth Keeton House Adult Day Care and Assisted Living Facility; Harmony Hall Assisted Living Community; and Sunrise Assisted Living Community four times a year. Residents enjoy the sing-a-longs and the chance to visit with members. For information or to sign up, contact Dot Keczmerski, 410-740-1407 or [email protected]
We are happy to present several events per year, showcasing our many talented parishioners. The Christmas Singalong Concert is an annual highlight. Recently, the choir presented the Mozart Requiem in concert.
The choir traveled to Rome in 2017. The next scheduled pilgrimage (Ireland) is currently on hold due to coronavirus travel restrictions.

Our choir has recorded four CDs (so far!); see choir for copies.