In its simplest form, Accompaniment means to “go somewhere with someone as a companion.” On our personal path of discipleship, “accompaniment” includes growing in our individual faith lives and nurturing that same growth in others.
Much of the prayerful intent of this goal requires in-person interaction. To that end, work in this area is more foundational with plans for in person activities when we are fully open. Here is what we have been able to achieve so far:
- Our three-day Parish Revival in September 2021 was the first step in this journey to full Discipleship. Those who participated experienced a renewal of spirit inspired by in-person praise and worship and small group discussions.
- As part of this event, our English and Spanish speaking communities hosted informational tables explaining their ministries and demonstrating the numerous volunteer options available to parishioners. Gone was the traditional “guilt trip” method to recruit volunteers, replaced by making ministry opportunities more visible. As a result, parishioners were able to choose ministries based on their interests and talents, rather than simply based on “need.”
- Blessed with so many vibrant existing and new ministries, the presentation of these ministries to our community is also changing more long-term. In the near future, parishioners will be able to easily access and sign up for their best area in which to serve, not just on a “sign up Sunday.”
- Monthly training sessions for parish leaders and interested parishioners have provided leaders with the background to implement our planning goals, especially Accompaniment. So far, topics have included Pastoral Planning, Discipleship, and Generational Diversity.
It is our hope that through these efforts and more to come, people will grow in their faith and be more equipped to disciple others on the journey, as well.
See the full plan and how to become part of this exciting endeavor. Be sure to return to this space every week for Strategic Planning status updates on plan implementation.