Welcome back! If you are new here, we shared last week that we will be using this space to inform you about the Strategic Planning process at St. John, and how we are implementing various initiatives to build a stronger parish community.

We started with obvious needs that could be accomplished quickly with the most benefit: Communication. With the Parish Website being an essential part of Welcome, we had our start. One dedicated council member studied the content and made changes to accomplish a true transformation. Outdated information was removed and current, content was added, bringing consistency to format, increasing availability and improving search capabilities. The website is imaginative, current, secure and maintained. Future technology improvements are also planned and budgeted.
A new Director of Communications staff position was established. Scott Miller, who intimately knows our church has taken the position. (Scott continues to serve as the Youth and Young Adult Minister as well.) A new Communications Team was formed with members who have experience in Pastoral Planning, Editing, Website Design, and Change Management. Additional members are welcome.

Our e-Newsletter and paper bulletin have been enhanced. Our social media presence has also noticeably improved and increased considerably with materials parishioners are welcome to share with their friends. An example of this is video “Test-i-minis,” highlighting the positive experiences of St. John parishioners and shareable on social media.
The Communications Team also created marketing materials (English and Spanish) for the Revival in September. The team is currently updating the parish logo and branding to better represent our diverse environment.
Communication is constantly evolving, and it is our duty and privilege to reach out to our community (and beyond) in the most efficient, effective ways possible in order to build the Kingdom of God. Join us next week as we share about: Encounter.
See the full plan and how to become part of this exciting endeavor. Be sure to return to this space every week for Strategic Planning status updates on plan implementation.
Thank you for supporting our community as we follow God’s lead to grow as disciples and continue building God’s Kingdom at this pivotal moment in time.