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Community Yard Sale
SAVE the DATE! St. John’s Community Parish Yard Sale is on Saturday, June 29, 2024 from 8am to 1pm
Father Gerry’s New Assignment
More information related to Father Gerry’s announcement at the April 21 Masses
August 15 – Assumption
The Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a Holy Day, will be celebrated August 15 with Masses in English at 6:45am, Noon, and English 7pm (Room 4) y Español a las 7pm. (Sala 1).
Communications 360
Please join in on a one-time-only consultation of our parish’s communications efforts
Children’s Liturgy of the Word
During the Liturgy of the Word at the Sunday, 10am Mass, we excuse our younger members so that they hear God’s Word at an appropriate level
An Important Message From Our Pastor
See this page for updates regarding the Archdiocesan Chapter 11 Reorganization
Parish Corporators
Each parish has a parish corporation that is the legal vehicle for managing the affairs of the parish and establishing specific legal accountability for those affairs. The board is comprised of two laypersons (called Parish Corporators), the Archbishop of Baltimore, the Vicar Bishop, and the Pastor. The parish corporators are responsible for assuring that matters…