Our Goals, Vision and Mission

On behalf of the Pastoral Council, we would like to take this opportunity to share our Pastoral Planning story.

As part of an intense process, with the support of an Archdiocesan Facilitator, and undaunted by the challenges of the pandemic, parish leaders spent 18 months analyzing what makes this parish unique and wonderful, what makes us proud of who we are as a parish, and where we can grow or improve. From there we developed a plan for that growth and improvement, tied to six overarching goals:

To fully and intentionally engage in prayer, worship, and sacramental life that flow from baptism and reverential participation in the Eucharist – the source and summit of our faith

To practice radical hospitality and welcome as Jesus did, seeking out the disenfranchised and vulnerable and creating a sense of fellowship and belonging that is grounded in love for each other and humble gratitude to God

To continually experience our own conversion and bring others to experience the same through evangelization, revealing the truth of the Gospel and witnessing to others how we ourselves have encountered Christ

To grow as disciples of Christ and nurture growth in others as we study, share, and live out the teachings of Christ and his Church through education, faith formation, and discipleship endeavors

To bring Christ to the world, practicing discipleship and encouraging each other through friendship and service as we support the work of the Church, provide for the material and pastoral care of the poor and suffering, and advocate for the discernment of vocations in life, especially priestly vocations for those who feel called in this way

Mission Support
To enact wise stewardship of the gifts God has granted to us by those who have preceded us in the faith, and the hope that lies in future generations of the faithful, so that our resources may be channeled to support the mission of disciple-making first and foremost

In development of our Vision and Mission, we acknowledged that these ideals are nothing new for St. John the Evangelist. They serve as a reminder of who we have always been, and how we plan to be a better and brighter version of our parish in the future.

Our Vision

St. John intentionally brings diverse communities together. Through our prayers and Liturgy, active engagement, expanded service for the underserved and purposeful action against injustice, we imitate Jesus Christ by creating a welcoming environment for all.

Our Sacred Purpose (Mission)

To celebrate the joy in loving/following Christ by welcoming and loving all, so that all are inspired to put faith into action and respond to the call to serve others.

See the full plan and how to become part of this exciting endeavor. Be sure to return to this space every week for Strategic Planning status updates on plan implementation.

Thank you for supporting our community as we follow God’s lead to grow as disciples and continue building God’s Kingdom at this pivotal moment in time.

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