Lent & Easter 2022

Please join us during Lent and Easter: Lent is a season of fasting and penance in preparation for celebration of the Lord’s Resurrection at Easter.

While conditions still continue to evolve in how our community addresses the ongoing pandemic, we are still encouraging and expecting the use of facemasks when we gather for liturgy. Thank you for your care for the health and well-being of one another. If you are unable to join us for whatever reason, we invite you to join us in spirit via streaming.


Holy Thursday (April 14)

7:00pm Mass (Bilingual)

Good Friday (April 15)

3:00pm Stations of the Cross (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4)
7:00pm Passion (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4)

Holy Saturday (April 16)

8:00pm Easter Vigil (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4) – please note adjusted time change


Easter (April 17)

6:15am Outdoor Mass (English)
8:00am (English), 8:00am (Spanish), 10:00am (English), 11:30am (English – OM), 12:15pm (English), 12:15pm (Spanish)

Pancake Supper

Shrove Tuesday (March 1)

Join us at the Oakland Mills Interfaith Center Tuesday night any time from 5:00pm to 7:00pm for pancakes, sausage, apple sauce and more. Cost? A free will offering, if desired. Thanks to our Knights of Columbus for their sponsorship and culinary skills.

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday (March 2)

  • 6:00am Mass and Ashes (English – Room 1)
  • 6:30am-7:30am Drive-up Ashes Outdoors
  • Noon Mass and Ashes (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4)
  • 6:00pm Ashes Service (English – Room 1)
  • 7:30pm Mass and Ashes (English – Room 4, Spanish – Room 1)
Honest conversations

Honest Conversations about Racism

St. John’s invites you to “Honest Conversations about Racism,” on five consecutive Wednesday evenings at 7:00pm in Lent, beginning March 9.

Stations of the Cross

Stations of the Cross

English: Fridays in Lent after the noon Mass, and at 7:00pm

Spanish: Thursdays in Lent at 7:00pm with Adoration



Parish Reconciliation Service – April 5, 7:00pm at Wilde Lake

The Sacrament of Reconciliation is available 3:00-3:45pm on Saturdays at the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center, outside Room 1, on the right. You can also call our offices on 410-964-1425 to schedule an appointment.

Si desea confesarse en español, el Padre Hilario lo espera 45 minutos antes de cada misa, afuera del salón 1, a la derecha.

Palm Sunday

Palm Sunday (April 9-10)

SATURDAY 4:00pm (English), 6:30pm (Spanish)
SUNDAY 8:00am (English), 8:00am (Spanish), 10:00am (English), 11:30am (English – OM), 12:15pm (English), 12:15pm (Spanish)


Holy Thursday (April 14)

7:00pm Mass (Bilingual)

Good Friday (April 15)

3:00pm Stations of the Cross (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4)
7:00pm Passion (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4)

Holy Saturday (April 16)

8:00pm Easter Vigil (English – Room 1, Spanish – Room 4) – please note adjusted time change


Easter (April 17)

6:15am Outdoor Mass (English)
8:00am (English), 8:00am (Spanish), 10:00am (English), 11:30am (English – OM), 12:15pm (English), 12:15pm (Spanish)

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