A parish is an organization that needs to be managed with respect to various functions such as finance, legal accountability, personnel, and recordkeeping. Administration ministries are committees and other bodies that work in support of the management of the parish.
Communications Team
The Communications Team strives to promote the goodness of St. John the Evangelist Catholic Church in order to continue the discipleship of Jesus Christ. The team communicates hope, praise, and forgiveness in the most efficient and effective way. The Communications Team shares information with parishioners and the community, supporting pastoral priorities and goals. Priority activities include:
- publish the parish website and maintain an on-line presence consistent with our beliefs and values
- highlight strategic direction and ministries, as well as the health of the parish, in a parish Annual Report
- maintain the parish Ministry Directory, promoting activities and opportunities
Contact: Jill Bispels, [email protected]
Finance Committee
The parish’s volunteer Finance Committee’s purpose is to assume responsibility in conjunction with the pastor for the finances of the congregation. This shall include developing and monitoring the parish’s budget, financial recording and reporting, disbursement, etc. Our responsibility is to oversee the financial well-being of the congregation and to make recommendations to the pastor on all financial matters as deemed appropriate by the Committee or requested by the pastor. The committee reviews and advises the pastor regarding the activities of related committees as appropriate.
Currently, the Finance Committee consists of three volunteers. The two Parish Corporators are non-voting members. The members of the committee serve three-year terms.
Finance Committee
Geoff Martiny, CPA, Chair [email protected]
Members at large:
Carolyn Arena
Patricia Murphy
Keith Voigt, CPA
Staff support John Papania, Parish Manager [email protected]
Parish Corporators
Each parish has a parish corporation that is the legal vehicle for managing the affairs of the parish and establishing specific legal accountability for those affairs. The board is comprised of two laypersons (called Parish Corporators), the Archbishop of Baltimore, the Vicar Bishop, and the Pastor.
The parish corporators are responsible for assuring that matters such as safety, condition of the physical plant, hiring personnel, finances, security of parish assets, and operations are in accordance with Archdiocesan policies and in compliance with state and federal laws. The corporators work closely with Pastor, the Pastoral Council, and the boards overseeing the Interfaith Centers. Lay corporators are nominated by the Pastor and appointed by the Archbishop for five-year terms, which can be renewed.
John Wheeler [email protected]
Richard Martiny [email protected]m
Parish Written History Project
The History Project is collecting vignettes and photographs that tell the story of St. John. New stories continue to be added to this project, which was inspired by those stories unearthed in planning for the parish’s 50th Anniversary Celebration in 2017. These stories are posted in the History section of the parish website. This year we acquired many pictures of our past pastors and associates. Anyone wishing to share their stories or pictures contact should contact the subcommittee.
Contact: Paul Gifford, [email protected] or Carolyn Arena, [email protected]
Pastoral Council
The Pastoral Council is an advisory body that represents the needs and interests of the members of St. John’s and provides a channel of communication between the members and the pastor. The Council deliberates and advises on issues affecting the life and work of the parish, and makes recommendations to the Pastor. The Pastoral Council may take the lead on establishing new ministries and undertaking special projects such as implementation of a new parish website.
The Council consists of 10-14 members who serve three-year terms. Members of the parish nominate parishioners for the Pastoral Council discernment process. The Council meets monthly on the third Tuesday from September through June. Read more »
Howard Last, Pres.
Noel Garcia, V. Pres
Victoria Cofield-Aber
Shirley Cruz
John Neira
Theresa Petrungaro
Alan Pultyniewicz
Elizabeth Wright
Contact: Pastoral Council President, [email protected]
Safety/Security Team
This team ensures that worship services and other St. John’s programs are held in a safe and secure manner. The team is comprised of security-minded individuals who work in conjunction with the Wilde Lake Interfaith Center (WLIFC) and St. John United Methodist-Presbyterian Church (SJU) safety/security teams to develop measures and drills to prevent, monitor, and respond to safety/security issues. Measures include: developing a plan to communicate information such as new security upgrades and evacuation routes to the congregation, coordinating teams to monitor and react to safety and security issues at services, developing a safe way to perform evacuation drills, and communicating with WLIFC about safety/security concerns.
Contact: Mike Shaw, [email protected]
Wilde Lake and Oakland Mills Interfaith Centers’ Boards of Directors
The Wilde Lake Interfaith Center and Oakland Mills Interfaith Center are separate nonprofit religious and community service organizations whose purpose is to operate and maintain the facilities for member congregations. Each corporation is governed by a Board of Directors that consists of a set number of members, all of whom must be members of the member congregations. Board positions are allocated based on each member congregation’s usage of the facilities. Parishioners of St. John’s are appointed to the Boards by the pastor. A building manager oversees the day-to-day operations of the buildings.
Contact: Father Gerry Bowen, [email protected]
Please note: The Archdiocese of Baltimore requires all parish volunteers to be VIRTUS certified. Please contact the parish office for details.