Pastoral Council

The Pastoral Council (PC) is an advisory body that represents the needs and interests of the members of St. John the Evangelist and provides a channel of communication between the members and the pastor.

In its monthly meetings from September to June, it deliberates and advises on issues affecting the life and work of the parish and make recommendations to the Pastor. The Council may take the lead on establishing new ministries and undertaking special projects.

Pastoral Council members at table

The Council consists of 10-14 members who serve three-year terms. Members of the parish nominate parishioners for the discernment process. The officers of the Council are the president and the vice president.

Contact: Pastoral Council leadership at [email protected]

Membership 2022-2023

  • Victoria Cofield Aber
  • Shirley Cruz
  • Noel Garcia – Vice-President
  • Alan Pultyniewicz – President
  • Elizabeth Wright

Council Documents


Pastoral Council video – February 2021
Pastoral Council video – February 2020
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