Sister Parish – St. Bernardine’s

St. John’s is delighted to be the sister parish of St. Bernardine Catholic Church in Baltimore, MD.  The ministry was officially launched on Pentecost Sunday (2018), when the Church celebrates the unity of believers in the midst of diversity.

The Sister Parish relationship seeks to join two parishes of diverse backgrounds in the celebration and witness of our common faith in Jesus Christ.  We look to engage in many ministries together: worship, education, evangelization, service, and stewardship.  In so doing, we not only hope to spread the gospel of Jesus Christ to others, we expect to grow in mutual love and understanding ourselves.

Are you interested in learning more about our Sister Parish St. Bernardine? Check out their website and sign up for their e-communications and to receive their Flocknote.

Interior of St. Bernardine church with young parishioners

Mission and Vision

WE, the parishioners of St. Bernardine’s and St. John’s Roman Catholic Churches, join together to encounter and share our communities’ mutual expressions of the two Great Commandments: to love God and love neighbor (Mark 12:29-31)

WE do this by:

  • WORSHIPING with a joy and purpose that is all-inclusive of our diverse traditions of prayer and song;
  • SERVING AND SUPPORTING people in need, both materially and spiritually;
  • LEARNING from one another by affirming our uniqueness and oneness in Christ;
  • STRENGTHENING our faith together and INVITING our neighbors to join us;
  • SHARING the blessings and gifts entrusted to us by the Lord.

Racial Justice

St. Bernardine’s and St. John’s have been working on how we can address racism together.

We Witness

Members of our faith community visited St. Bernardine to join their parish’s annual peace walk on Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Day in 2019 and 2020.

We Celebrate

Members of St. Bernardine’s visited St. John’s for Mass in the summer of 2018.

We Pray

We pray before (“Come, Holy Spirit”) and after (“Lord, make me an instrument of your peace”) Mass each week in unity.

Prayers we share with our sister parish

Photos & Videos

2021 St. Bernardine’s Peace Walk

2020 St. Bernardine’s Peace Walk

2019 St. Bernardine’s Peace Walk